Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Marvel’s Midnight Suns est un tactical-RPG dans lequel vous devez combattre les forces démoniaques du monde souterrain. Alliez vous aux Midnight Suns, la dernière ligne de défense de la Terre afin de repousser cette menace.


1 membre y a joué

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar mogwai_papple

1 membre y joue actuellement

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Lekzyo

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 51, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

Filtrer : Platine Platine (0/1) Or Or (0/3) Argent Argent (0/5) Bronze Bronze (0/42)

  • PlatineBig Game Hunter

    Obtain all other Midnight Suns Trophies

  • BronzeLilith Returns

    Complete the tutorial.

  • BronzeOshtur's Gift

    Acquire the

  • OrA Light Extinguished

    Complete the New York story missions.

  • OrBig Mad

    Complete the Southwest story missions.

  • OrFamily is Forever

    Complete the Transia story missions.

  • BronzeAre You On Superlink?

    Gain a Friendship Level with any hero.

  • BronzeDid We Just Become Best Friends?

    Reach the maximum Friendship Level with any hero.

  • BronzeFriendship is Magic

    Reach the maximum Team Friendship Level in the Abbey.

  • ArgentHunter the Explorer

    Find every Haven on the Abbey Grounds in a single campaign.

  • BronzeCape of Many Colors

    Apply a Suit palette to every Hero in a single campaign.

  • BronzeAnd Look Good Doing It

    Spend 1500 Gloss on cosmetic options for the Hunter.

  • BronzeMake a House a Home

    Purchase 10 different upgrades for the Hunter's Quarters.

  • BronzeMight Need Pockets

    Craft a combat item at the Item Bench.

  • BronzeFire Burn and Cauldron Bubble

    Use Agatha's Cauldron to complete a Recipe.

  • BronzeWith a Box of Scraps

    Craft a hero ability card in the Forge.

  • BronzeYou Absolute Legend

    Complete a Midnight Sun Challenge in the Forge.

  • ArgentFully Operational

    Build every Abbey upgrade in a single campaign.

  • BronzeThe Best Girl

    Pet Charlie 15 days in a row.

  • BronzeUnrequited Love

    Pet Ebony on 4 different days.

  • ArgentExtracurricular Activities

    Attend all Abbey Club meetings in a single campaign.

  • BronzeSpread the Pain

    Complete a Daily Sparring session with every hero.

  • BronzeSome Minor Adjustments

    Apply mods to 10 different hero abilities.

  • BronzeT.H.R.E.A.T. Eliminated

    Survive 3 turns in the THREAT Room with every hero.

  • BronzeElemental, My Dear Agatha

    Solve the mystery of Agatha's Altar.

  • BronzeAtum's Call

    Acquire the

  • BronzeHyppus' Aid

    Acquire the

  • BronzeSet's Favor

    Acquire the

  • BronzeThe Keymaster

    Open 25 Arcane Chests.

  • BronzeWisdom of the Woods

    Collect 10 of every Reagent.

  • BronzeA Coven Restored

    Solve the mystery of Hiram Shaw's church.

  • ArgentA Mother's Gift

    Solve the mystery of Lilith's Garden.

  • BronzeA Shining Light

    Reach maximum Light Balance.

  • BronzeA Growing Darkness

    Reach maximum Dark Balance.

  • BronzeFully Armed

    Acquire every Hunter ability.

  • BronzeChallenge Accepted

    Complete 10 Mission Challenges.

  • BronzeYou Have the Lead

    Complete a general mission led by every hero.

  • BronzeBack in Time for Lunch

    Complete a general mission in 2 turns or less.

  • BronzeWe Have Ways

    Interrogate 5 enemies.


    Spend 10 Heroism with a single ability.

  • BronzeQuantity is Quality

    Use 8 hero abilities in a single turn.

  • BronzeCollateral Damage

    KO 4 enemies with a single environmental.

  • BronzeDream Team

    KO a villain with a Hero Combo.

  • BronzeSpeed Kills

    KO a villain with a Quick ability.

  • BronzeKitchen Sink

    Use 5 environmentals in a single turn.

  • BronzeWilhelm Scream

    Knockback 2 enemies into Drops in a single turn.

  • BronzeNot a Scratch

    Complete a general mission where no hero takes Health damage.

  • BronzePinball Wizard

    KO multiple enemies with a single Knockback 25 times.

  • BronzeNeedful Things

    Use 25 combat items.

  • BronzeTrading Up

    Redraw 75 cards.

  • ArgentBig Guns

    Use 3 different Legendary hero abilities in a single mission.

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