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21.5 h
61.5 h
Hitman III est la conclusion de la trilogie World of Assassination entamée en 2016 par IO Interactive. rnrnLe jeu est disponible sur les consoles de nouvelle génération (PS5 et Xbox Series X) ce qui permet des temps de chargements plus courts afin de motiver les joueurs à tester différentes approches pour éliminer leurs cibles. Il s'agit du premier jeu de la saga avec une comptabilité en réalité virtuelle (ici le PSVR de Sony).rnrnComme pour chaque opus de la trigolie, de nouvelles armes et six nouveaux lieux sont disponibles afin de renouveller l'expérience. Hitman III constitue d'ailleurs la première visite de l'Agent 47 à Dubai.
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Filtrer : Platine (0/1)
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Argent (0/16)
Bronze (0/30)
Complete all 47 trophies.
Complete Freeform Training in the Prologue.
Complete The Final Test in the Prologue.
Complete any Mission Story in The Final Test.
Complete the Contract Creation Tutorial.
Complete The Final Test unspotted. Kill only Jasper Knight, ensuring his body is not found.
Complete Level 5 of an Escalation Contract set in the ICA Facility.
Beat the highest leaderboard score on a Contract.
Complete a Featured Contract.
Assassinate Targets with Ballistic, Accident and Explosion Kills.
Assassinate a Target without getting spotted.
Find and unlock 15 Shortcuts.
Get 10 different Playstyles.
Complete On Top Of The World.
Reveal all undiscovered areas in Dubai.
Kill Ingram with his oil-rig model, push Stuyvesant over a rail, and kill them in the air.
Make a target slip and fall while evacuating in a skydiving suit.
Complete all Mission Stories in On Top Of The World.
Reach Dubai Mastery Level 20.
Complete Death In The Family.
Reveal all undiscovered areas in Dartmoor.
Eliminate Alexa in her private room, shoot her from the roof, and put her to rest.
Help Emma kill Alexa.
Complete all Mission Stories in Death In The Family.
Reach Dartmoor Mastery Level 20.
Complete Apex Predator.
Reveal all undiscovered areas in Berlin.
Tremain has a rifle accident, Thames is hit by a crane and Montgomery & Banner light up the club.
Photograph the Yellow Bird.
Become the club owner, and have a sit down with the ICA.
Reach Berlin Mastery Level 20.
Complete End Of An Era.
Reveal all undiscovered areas in Chongqing.
Kill Hush in his
Use Royce's terminal to fry the core.
Complete all Mission Stories in End Of An Era.
Reach Chongqing Mastery Level 20.
Complete The Farewell.
Reveal all undiscovered areas in Mendoza.
Eliminate Vidal with the grape crusher, Yates with poisoned Grand Paladin, and both with gas.
Attend the secret Providence meeting.
Complete all Mission Stories in The Farewell.
Reach Mendoza Mastery Level 20.
Complete Untouchable.
Take out a guard with a silenced pistol, with a shotgun and with an SMG.
47 takes another nap.
Complete all Untouchable Challenges.
Reach Carpathian Mountains Mastery Level 5.
Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 13, soit un pourcentage de 0 %
Afficher : Tout • Obtenu • Pas obtenu
Filtrer : Bronze (0/13)
Complete The Showstopper.
Reach Paris Mastery Level 20.
Complete World of Tomorrow.
Reach Sapienza Mastery Level 20.
Complete A Gilded Cage.
Reach Marrakesh Mastery Level 20.
Complete Suit Only and Silent Assassin Challenges on The Icon, A House Built on Sand or Landslide.
Complete Club 27.
Reach Bangkok Mastery Level 20.
Complete Freedom Fighters.
Reach Colorado Mastery Level 20.
Complete Situs Inversus.
Reach Hokkaido Mastery Level 20.
Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 10, soit un pourcentage de 0 %
Afficher : Tout • Obtenu • Pas obtenu
Filtrer : Bronze (0/10)
Get a score above 1,000,000 points on The Pen and the Sword.
Complete The Pen and the Sword as Silent Assassin.
Complete all The Pen and the Sword Challenges.
Complete Golden Handshake.
Reach New York Mastery Level 20.
Get a score above 1,000,000 points on Crime and Punishment.
Complete Crime and Punishment as Silent Assassin.
Complete all Crime and Punishment Challenges.
Complete The Last Resort.
Reach Haven Island Mastery Level 20.
Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 13, soit un pourcentage de 0 %
Afficher : Tout • Obtenu • Pas obtenu
Filtrer : Bronze (0/13)
Complete Nightcall.
Reach Hawke's Bay Mastery Level 5.
Complete The Finish Line.
Reach Miami Mastery Level 20.
Complete Three-Headed Serpent.
Reach Santa Fortuna Mastery Level 20.
Complete Chasing a Ghost.
Reach Mumbai Mastery Level 20.
Complete Another Life.
Reach Whittleton Creek Mastery Level 20.
Complete The Ark Society.
Reach Isle of Sgàil Mastery Level 20.
Complete The Last Yardbird as Silent Assassin.
Liste de jeux aléatoires dans le genre Infiltration ou Action sur Playstation 5
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