ATOM RPG Trudograd

Un jeu vidéo édité par AtomTeam,
développé par AtomTeam


Date de sortie EUR JP USA

13 septembre 2021

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Trudograd est une extension de l'histoire autonome d'ATOM RPG - un jeu de rôle au tour par tour se déroulant dans l'Union soviétique post-apocalyptique.


1 membre veut y jouer

Communauté Seriebox

  • avatar Vicsene

Trophées du jeu

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  • BronzeFresh Prince of Trudograd

    The city welcomes you!

  • BronzeMysterious Knife

    You solved the riddle of the stalker Igor knife.

  • BronzeAn Old Friend

    Your car from the Central Wasteland stands in the outskirts of Trudograd.

  • BronzeWalking Fortress

    You maxed-out your special armor.

  • BronzeAtomic Soda

    You bought a glass of every Atom agent favorite drink!

  • BronzeViva La Revolution

    You became a part-time revolutionary.

  • BronzeLot 49

    You opened a mysterious chest on Kolotushkin Street.

  • BronzeFreelance Police

    You're temping as a freelance police officer.

  • BronzeShadow over Trudograd

    You performed the ancient ritual and met guests from the depths…

  • BronzeAlbino Bloodsucker

    You tracked and killed the albino bloodsucker.

  • BronzeHuman Antidote

    You survived the worst poisoning of your whole Atom career.

  • BronzeFight Club

    You became the ruling champion of the factory arena!

  • BronzeRising Star

    You won ten games of Bombagun, playing for money.

  • BronzeSixth Sense

    You exorcised all the restless spectres that you met on your path.

  • BronzeMemoirs of a Nibbler

    You listened to all the haiku of a four-legged intellectual.

  • BronzeDeath of the Author

    If the author is writing about you, then who is writing about the author?

  • BronzeKGB Bunker

    You’ve been contacted by the eponymous KGB bunker.

  • BronzeBaby Eater

    Yes, you really did eat a child. Or, at least, somebody thinks that you did…

  • BronzePower of Simplicity

    You had faith in your luck and stood by your words..!

  • BronzeGoose Sacrifice

    You actively and successfully use your Luck. The goose death wasn’t in vain!

  • BronzeSecond Thought

    You completed the cow mission, but then decided to bring her back.

  • BronzeHoly Mountain

    You died from a lethal dose of The Truth™.

  • BronzeTerrorist

    You single-handedly signed Trudograd’s death warrant.

  • BronzeSick Freak

    You performed such a heinous and convoluted act that… you deserve an achievement!

  • BronzeIncompetence

    You showed a surprising lack of competence in completing a rather easy task in the city docks.

  • BronzeEscalation of Conflict

    You turned a simple arrest into a real street battle.

  • BronzeAdmiral

    Congratulations! You sank all the battleships!

  • BronzeGoodbye ATOM

    After completing your mission you left the ATOM organization.

  • BronzeBronzovka

    You learned something that you shouldn't have...

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