Rescuing Christmas

Un téléfilm de États-Unis Emily Moss Wilson
Ecrit par Jim Head et Sarah Montana
Avec N-C


Date de sortie US

7 décembre 2023 (TV)
Plus d'infos


In a world where Santa is real and wants to drum up some holiday spirit, two of Santa’s elves, Chuck and Debbie, devise a plan to grant one human on Earth three wishes to kickstart the holidays. Unfortunately, that human is Erin, who has lost all affection for the season. Even a blind date set up by her sister, with the affable and charming Sam, won’t change her mind about Christmas. But when she makes the mistake of wishing Christmas would “just disappear,” Erin wakes up to a world where the holiday never existed! Horrified, she realizes that she’s taken away everyone’s joy, so she enlists Sam to help her reinvent the festivities from scratch. In the process, Erin learns just how much this holiday and its traditions have meant to everyone around her - and how much Sam has come to mean to her.


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