Cel mai iubit dintre pământeni

The Earth's Most Beloved Son (Cel mai iubit dintre pământeni)

Un film de Roumanie Serban Marinescu
Ecrit par Roumanie Serban Marinescu
Avec Roumanie Maia Morgenstern


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The Earth's Most Beloved Son is a 1993 Romanian drama film based on the novel Cel mai iubit dintre p?mânteni by Marin Preda. It tells the story of an intellectual, professor of philosophy whose life is crushed after he is imprisoned on false accusations at the end of the Stalinist era. Basically the first part of the film tells the story of his fight for survival in prison, the second describes his tentative to regain his life after being released. His release is actually only apparent, Romania of the 60s asks from him different types of compromises and crimes, but yet his fight for survival is as tough morally as in prison. (Source: Imdb)

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