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Princess of Alderaan

A propos

Weird human. Cinema lover.


Dimanche 21 avril 2019 à 18:00

Le Chant du loup

18 / 20

Vu au cinéma

Dimanche 7 avril 2019 à 12:30

Mon inconnue

18 / 20

Vu au cinéma

Remonter le temps

Mon inconnue.

  • T'aimer a été la plus belle chose qui me soit arrivée. -Raphaël, avec un tréma sur le e.


Juste la fin du monde.

  • Ces petits mots — les phrases elliptiques — ces petits mots, ils sont toujours écrits au dos de cartes postales (nous en avons aujourd'hui une collection enviable) comme si tu voulais, de cette manière, toujours paraître être en vacances, je ne sais pas, je croyais cela, ou encore, comme si, par avance, tu voulais réduire la place que tu nous consacrerais et laisser à tous les regards les messages sans importance que tu nous adresses. «Je vais bien et j'espère qu'il en est de même pour vous.»

One day.

  • “So - whatever happened to you?' 'Life. Life happened.”


  • I've seen a lot. I mean, not like that, not, I mean ... [takes a breath] For instance, I've seen that you're maybe one of, I don't know, three people in the world that likes pizza-flavored chips. You're also the only person I've ever seen that spends more time on the roof of her house than in her actual house. And what are you doing? You're reading. Books. You know, not "US Weekly or "Seventeen", or, you know... but you're reading substantial books. You also do this, uh,... You do this thing where, it's like an OCD thing, but it's not. It's, um ... Whenever you're leaving your room, you grab the doorknob, you turn it and you're getting ready to leave but you don't, you stop and you back up and you turn to the mirror and you stare at yourself. But it's not like a, you know, "I'm so hot" kind of stare. You know, it's more like ... "Who am I, really?" And to ask yourself that, I mean, that's so cool. So you look out the window all the time like I do, only you're looking at the world, you know? Tryin' to figure it out, trying to understand the world. Trying to figure out why it's not in order like your books. I'm only looking at you. Ashley: That's either the creepiest... or the sweetest thing I've ever heard.