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A propos

«We don't get to choose who we love or who loves us back. That means you're powerless to me as long as you're alive, because I'm the fabric of life. I'm within you. I'm within everything. If you can accept that, then maybe... I don't know, but maybe you get to live again.» --Collateral Beauty--


Dimanche 28 avril 2019


5x12 Là où tout commence (The Beginning...) 28/04 22:52

Vendredi 26 avril 2019 à 03:23

L'abominable vérité (The Ugly Truth)

13 / 20

Mercredi 24 avril 2019 à 03:49


Mardi 23 avril 2019


5x11 À la gloire de Gotham (They Did What?) 23/04 01:28

Lundi 15 avril 2019 à 02:55

Bird Box

Remonter le temps