
Durée moyenne du jeu

25 h

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Everyone needs to learn typing in this age of computers. Poor typing skills wastes time, creates frustration, and costs some people job opportunities.
Typer Shark is an excellent game for anyone who wants to improve their typing skills. The fun games involved will keep people motivated to keep learning and improve their skills, rather than going through boring drills and becoming frustrated at the lack of progress.
Typer Shark helps you to master each key through various game scenarios. Learn letters, words, numbers, and punctuation through a variety of fun game challenges.
Typer Shark will not leave you frustrated but instead works with your typing skills. Find out your starting words per minute in the tutorial and then start at a game level that suits your current skill. Have fun defeating piranhas, sharks, and other sea creatures as you type the letters or words on their bodies.
Typer Shark includes a few different types of game play to keep the fun level high. You can explore the deep seas in Adventure Mode and mine lost shipwrecks for valuable gems. In Abyss Mode, see how deep you can go as the fish get harder and harder to defeat. All your stats are kept track for you to monitor improvement. This game is great for any age level and especially good for classroom use.


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