
Durée moyenne du jeu

31 h

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Dirige le monde ou meurs en essayant ! Être une princesse n'est pas une tâche facile, être une reine est encore plus dur. Surtout lorsque tu n'as que quatorze ans, et que la raison de ta légitimité au trône est le décès prématuré de ta mère, la reine.
Il te faut maintenant acquérir du pouvoir. Tu es peut-être l'héritière légitime, mais nombre de nobles du pays le voudraient pour eux-même. Des voisins agressifs voudront prendre avantage de la moindre marque de faiblesse pour tenter d'agrandir leurs territoires. Et c'est sans compter sur tous les dangers d'origines magiques qui t'attendent dans l'ombre...

Pourras-tu survivre assez longtemps pour voir ton couronnement ?

La reine est morte, longue vie à la reine !

(source : Steam)


  • avatar Mijak
    14 / 20Le 01 Mars 2021 à 18:25Mijak

    Un de ces jeux où tu peux pas juste recharger une sauvegarde pour échapper au game over : c'est dès le début qu'il fallait jouer judicieusement.
    Du coup bah die and retry...

    Version PC 4 h de jeu
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Trophées du jeu

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  • BronzeCongratulations On Your Recent Demise

    You've died at least once. It happens to everyone.

  • BronzeOff With Their Heads

    You have ordered an execution.

  • BronzeIlluminate!

    You have embraced the power of Lumen magic.

  • BronzeThe Gauntlet Thrown

    You have been challenged to a duel.

  • BronzeA Land Divided

    You have faced a civil war.

  • BronzeLong Live The Queen

    You have survived long enough to see a crown placed on your head.

  • BronzeYou Do If I Say You Do

    You have forced someone else to get married.

  • BronzeA Dangerous Juggler

    You have hired someone to spy for you.

  • BronzeA Little Backup

    You have taken possession of a spare Lumen crystal.

  • BronzeA Timely Word

    You have spoken to Adair's father at the gala.

  • BronzeFacing Facts

    You have discovered the truth about your mother's death.

  • BronzeChopped, Boiled, or Fried

    You have found at least five different ways to die.

  • BronzeFor The Good Of Nova

    You have been forced into a marriage.

  • BronzePlunged Into The Depths

    You have sunk a fleet with magic.

  • BronzeA Gathering Of Light

    You have hired a Lumen Minister.

  • BronzeYouth's First Kiss

    You kissed your fiancé before the wedding.

  • BronzeMake It Look Like An Accident

    You have ordered an assassination.

  • BronzeNo Other Rulers Before Me

    You have made a foreign Duke into your subject.

  • BronzeThe Language of Flowers

    You have been sent flowers by a woman.

  • BronzeA Trial Of Your Peers

    You have faced a vote of no confidence.

  • BronzeA Matter Of Honor

    You have challenged someone to a duel.

  • BronzeA Hostage To Fortune

    You have demanded a ransom for the return of a captive.

  • BronzeVictory At Sea

    You have won a naval battle without disturbing what lies beneath.

  • BronzeThings That Go Bump In The Night

    You have encountered a monster.

  • BronzeAngel Of Music

    You have saved the day with the power of music.

  • BronzeThere And Back Again

    You have survived a visit to the Old Forest.

  • BronzeBetter Left Unsaid

    You have discovered a terrible family secret.

  • BronzeA Promise Discarded

    You have broken off a planned engagement.

  • BronzeThe Will Of The People

    You have faced a commoner uprising.

  • BronzeA Military Alliance

    You have gone to battle with foreign troops assisting you.

  • BronzeCasting a Shadow

    Your actions have unleashed a creeping shade.

  • BronzeTo Serve Evil

    You have chosen to join a villain rather than oppose him.

  • BronzeRebellious Province

    You have faced a rebellion in Merva.

  • BronzeShared Power Increased

    You have made your cousin into a Lumen.

  • BronzeAn Unexpected Pairing

    You have romanced a commoner.

  • BronzeThe Needs Of The Many

    You have ordered a human sacrifice.

  • BronzeAn Ex Chicken

    You have poisoned a defenseless chicken.

  • BronzeA Mysterious Artifact

    You have discovered a magical mirror.

  • BronzeThe Price Of Blood

    You have paid out a reward for the death of a fugitive.

  • BronzeA Divine Omen

    You have been blessed by the favor of cats.

  • BronzeInterpersonal Diplomacy

    Your actions have caused a couple to divorce.

  • BronzeFault Lines

    You caused an earthquake in Nova.

  • BronzeFamily Is No Defense

    You have imprisoned your uncle for acts against the crown.

  • BronzeDeath Seeker

    You have found eleven different ways to die. That takes dedication.

  • BronzeKeep Your Friends Close

    You have chosen to recruit an advisor of your own free will.

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