Gold Digger

Un jeu vidéo édité par T&T Software,
développé par T&T Software

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Gold Digger is a fast-paced, multi-screen game featuring the ULTIMATE balance of STRATEGY and arcade-style ACTION!

This game has several features, such as multi-channel sound which means, that on Macs that support it, you will hear more sounds play at the same time.

Gold Digger has four levels of difficulty from which to choose, as well as a new Novice Mines game file that contains 25 new screens to help beginners before they tackle The Official Lost Mines screens. This is also great for younger children! Five of the Novice Mines screens are accessible in an unregistered copy.


2 membres y ont joué

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  • avatar pierrepjs
  • avatar Merkillia

Merci à pierrepjs qui a créé cette fiche