
Durée moyenne du jeu

31 h

Date de sortie EUR USA

21 avril 2023

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Dead Island 2 est un FPS, suite directe du premier volet. Plusieurs mois après les événements qui se sont déroulés à Banoi, les Etats-Unis se voient obligés de mettre l’« Etat doré » en quarantaine. Désormais zone interdite, la Californie est devenue un paradis sanglant pour ceux qui ont refusé de quitter leur maison, et un terrain de chasse rêvé pour les renégats qui cherchent l’aventure, la gloire et un nouveau départ.


Commentaires (2)

  • avatar z0rr0
    15 / 20Le 06 Mars 2024 à 10:48z0rr0

    30H environ , fini à 70% , niveau 29
    Le jeu est beau ...... c'est deja ça !
    Sinon inférieure vu notre époque à Dead island et l'impression d'un jeu pas fini !
    Dispo actuellement dans le game pass , ça m'etonne pas ;)

    Version PC 30 h de jeu
  • avatar MrSmith
    13 / 20Le 05 Novembre 2024 à 20:02MrSmith

    Satisfaisant de tuer les zombis et certaines zones sont sympas mais le fil principal et la majorité des quêtes secondaires ne sont pas ouf..

    Version Playstation 5 20 h de jeu
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  • avatar Remi Salanon

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  • avatar Morwenna
  • avatar laxouneto1
  • avatar Rated-R
  • avatar Triick212
  • avatar TommyPrQc

Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 45, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

  • BronzeWelcome To Hell-A

    Survive a plane crash, get bitten, and create your first Zombie-Free Zone.

  • BronzeHotel California

    Fight through the Halperin Hotel to make contact with the authorities.

  • BronzePersonal Assistant Personally Assisted

    Track down Michael and rescue him from the Terror at Monarch Studios.

  • BronzeGit Gutte!

    Join forces with Sam B and get your hands on some firepower.

  • BronzeFriends Like These

    Encounter a mysterious... benefactor? Well, that's what she'd call herself, anyway.

  • BronzeDr. Reed, I Presume?

    Survive the many perils of Venice Beach and meet Dr. Reed at the Serling Hotel.

  • BronzeBut Doctor, I Am Butcho

    Slay a killer clown and get your blood sample back to Dr. Reed.

  • BronzeCan't Handle the Truth

    Learn the truth about what you are as dark secrets are revealed.

  • BronzeLike Riding a Bike

    Find Patton and convince him to fly you out of Hell-A.

  • BronzeA Patton Emerges

    Survive the Metro system and get to Hollywood Boulevard.

  • BronzeMake it So

    Help Sarah and Sebastian light a beacon of hope.

  • OrOur True Nature

    Give up your chance to be human again.

  • BronzeGore Horse

    Help an artist to complete their greatest (and grisliest) piece of art.

  • BronzeGo, Bobcats!

    Reunite all the VCLA Bobcats.

  • BronzeInternet Famous

    Complete Amanda's Clickbait quests. You won't believe what happens next!

  • BronzeMaking Your Mark

    Complete 10 non-Story Quests.

  • ArgentRising Star

    Complete 20 non-Story Quests.

  • OrLA Influential

    Complete 40 non-Story Quests.

  • BronzeOoh, Shiny!

    Find your first Legendary Weapon.

  • BronzeZombologist

    Unlock every zombie type in the Zompedia.

  • ArgentOn Safari

    Complete the first tier of every Zombie Challenge.

  • ArgentVariety is the Spice of Death

    Complete the first tier of every Weapon Challenge.

  • ArgentZombicidal Maniac

    Complete the first tier of every Combat Challenge.

  • ArgentSurvival Skills

    Complete the first tier of every Survivor Challenge.

  • ArgentSmorgasbord

    Complete the first tier of every Exploration Challenge.

  • ArgentSharpest Tool in the Box

    Complete 5 Lost & Found Weapon Quests.

  • ArgentSole Survivor

    Complete 9 Lost & Found Missing Person Quests.

  • ArgentJumbo Keyring

    Unlock 10 Lockboxes.

  • ArgentBookworm

    Collect 50 Journals.

  • BronzeStacking the Deck

    Collect 30 Skill Cards.

  • BronzeHumanity Distilled

    Equip your first Numen Skill Card.

  • OrMax Headroom

    Reach level 30.

  • BronzeDown with the Sickness

    Reach the highest tier of Autophage infection by equipping Autophage Skills.

  • BronzeAnger Management

    Slay 50 zombies with Fury Attacks.

  • BronzeThis is My Weapon

    Fully upgrade a Superior weapon and customize it with a mod or perk in every slot.

  • BronzeNot Even My Final Form

    Slay a Mutator before it transforms.

  • BronzeHazardous Materials

    Slay 100 Zombies using Caustic, Fire, or Shock damage.

  • BronzeBreak a Leg

    Maim 100 limbs.

  • BronzeSlayer Squad

    Complete any 5 quests in co-op.

  • BronzeI Am the Resurrection

    Revive other Slayers 5 times.

  • BronzeCoup de Grâce

    Slay 25 zombies using finishing moves.

  • BronzePerks of the Job

    Complete 5 Blueprint Challenges.

  • BronzeDonk!

    Throw a melee weapon and hit a zombie 35+ meters away.

  • BronzeApex Predator

    Knock down 10 Apex Variants.

  • BronzeI Got a Zombie Army and You Can't Harm Me

    Perform 25 perfect defensive moves.

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