
Un jeu vidéo édité par EggNut,
développé par EggNut


Date de sortie EUR

28 octobre 2021

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

Résolvez les mystères d'une société animale dystopique habitant dans un Vancouver rétrofuturiste dans le jeu d'aventure et de camouflage inspiré de films noirs Backbone. [Source : Steam]


Trophées du jeu

Vous en avez obtenu 0 sur 26, soit un pourcentage de 0 %

Afficher : ToutObtenuPas obtenu

  • OrGeezer pleaser

    Geezers are people too, and you treated them all with the respect they deserved.

  • BronzeSins of our fathers

    For better or for worse, you shattered the innocence of the youth.

  • BronzeBadge of honour

    You let lil' Henry hold your detective's badge. Good for you!

  • BronzeKeep the hope alive

    Reassured Florence about the fate of her daughter, Rose.

  • OrAffirming flame

    Life is harsh, but you didn't let that stop you from being compassionate when it mattered.

  • OrMe time

    You chose to spend your time under the Bridge in quiet reflection.

  • BronzeFirst trust

    You decided to let your walls down and trust Renee from the start.

  • BronzeNot born yesterday

    You decided to remain skeptical of Renee until she earned your loyalty.

  • OrTrue connection

    You felt a true connection to Renee, and acted on it.

  • BronzeBad medicine

    You lost your patience with Louis and walked all over him.

  • BronzeTonic for the soul

    You did your best to reassure Louis.

  • ArgentHoward Lotor

    You introduced yourself to everyone honestly. You are who you are.

  • ArgentWallace Brotor

    You might be a sneaky liar, but at least you kept the story straight about your alias.

  • ArgentBrollace Howtor

    Your identity fluctuated throughout the investigation.

  • BronzeEnabler

    You bought cigarettes for a precocious minor.

  • ArgentTrout talker

    You exhausted the fish and yourself. Time is vast and we are ending.

  • ArgentSmell-o-vision

    You did it. You sniffed everything. Good job.

  • ArgentBlurb herder

    You learned about all the books in the game.

  • OrSnoopy snooper

    You checked out every file on Rose's terminal. Even the awkward stuff.

  • OrCruel to be kind

    Sometimes folks need tough love. Or in your case, all the time.

  • BronzeNew habits die easy

    You snitched to Roger about Joshua smoking.

  • ArgentAct 1

    You completed Act 1.

  • ArgentAct 2

    You completed Act 2.

  • ArgentAct 3

    You completed Act 3.

  • ArgentAct 4

    You completed Act 4.

  • ArgentAct 5

    You completed Act 5.

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Merci à ParadoxPanda qui a créé cette fiche