
Durée moyenne du jeu

20 h

Résumé / Contenu du jeu

A fast paced and unqiue word game !

It's time for Babel Deluxe! If you like more variety than the standard word game, Babel gives you 25 different games to play that will test your mind and keep you interested for a long time.
The goal is to build the Tower of Babel by solving different types of word puzzles like word finds, letter grids, and games you probably have never played before. Get a good score on the level and you will be able to add larger tower pieces to your construction project.

An entertaining challenge

What makes Babel Deluxe so fun is the variety and fast paced nature of the game. You only spend about a minute or so on each word puzzle before going on to a completely different one. As you pass the puzzles, even more word game types are unlocked for you to play. With 25 different word games in all, Babel Deluxe offers the most variety of any puzzle game we offer!


1 membre a terminé le jeu

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1 membre y a joué

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Merci à mogwai_papple qui a créé cette fiche