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Vendredi 1 septembre 2023

Zatchbell ! (Konjiki no Gashbell !!)

1x01 The Lightning Boy from the Demon World 01/09 22:03

1x02 Freezing Spell, Gikoru vs Zakeru 01/09 22:03

1x03 The Second Spell, Rashirudo! 01/09 22:03

1x04 The Battle Between 100 Demons 01/09 22:03

1x05 The Black Assassins, Brago and Sherie 01/09 22:03

1x06 The Lost Red Spellbook 01/09 22:03

1x07 Botanical Garden Duel! 01/09 22:03

1x08 The Kind Demon Koruru 01/09 22:03

1x09 The Third Technique, Jikerudo 01/09 22:03

1x10 Elite Demon Eshuros 01/09 22:03

1x11 The Invincible Folgore 01/09 22:03

1x12 Sherie, The Rhapsody of Fate 01/09 22:03

1x13 Showdown! Gash vs. Hyde! 01/09 22:03

1x14 Tomboy Tio and Idol Megumi 01/09 22:03

1x15 Gash and Tio's New Promise 01/09 22:03

1x16 The Invincible Robnos 01/09 22:03

1x17 Kiyomaro's Curry Summer Camp! 01/09 22:03

1x18 Battle in the Freezer 01/09 22:03

1x19 Cursed Castle of the Demonic Flowers 01/09 22:03

1x20 Huge collapse! Bartolo's counterattack 01/09 22:03

1x21 The Other Gash 01/09 22:03

1x22 The Dancing Green Fighter 01/09 22:03

1x23 Merumerume~! Umagon on fire 01/09 22:03

1x24 Wandering travelor, Aporo 01/09 22:03

1x25 Fight! The tenacity to get victory 01/09 22:03

1x26 Gash's Day 01/09 22:03

1x27 My son, Danny 01/09 22:03

1x28 Tio and Megumi's Adventure 01/09 22:03

1x29 Firece fight! Battle at the amusement park 01/09 22:03

1x30 Gash and Tio, Strongest Combination 01/09 22:03

1x31 The Cute Transfer Student 01/09 22:03

1x32 Story of the Charmed Mirror Shion's sad secret 01/09 22:03

1x33 Story of the Charmed Mirror When the 3 fragments are gathered 01/09 22:03

1x34 Story of the Charmed Mirror Tears which colored the evening sun 01/09 22:03

1x35 Story of the Charmed Mirror The final battle 01/09 22:03

1x36 Clash! Gash vs Naomi-chan 01/09 22:03

1x37 Carry out love! Girl from Hong Kong 01/09 22:03

1x38 Fist of love! Gou Bauren 01/09 22:03

1x39 Desperation! The deceptive hunter 01/09 22:03

1x40 Kyanchome becomes a brother 01/09 22:03

1x41 Twist in events! The invincible Kyanchome 01/09 22:03

1x42 The callous enemies, Zeon and DuFoe 01/09 22:03

1x43 Hero of justice, Praying Mantis Joe 01/09 22:03

1x44 Challenge from Bary 01/09 22:03

1x45 Neverending death battle, Gash vs Bary 01/09 22:03

1x46 Merumerume~! Umagon's crisis!? 01/09 22:03

1x47 Snowfield rumble!! Aura of a king 01/09 22:03

1x48 The stealthy wickedness! Mystery of the lithography 01/09 22:03

1x49 Professor Nazo Nazo and the twelve assasins 01/09 22:03

2x01 Release! The sixth technique, Rauzaruku!! 01/09 22:03

2x02 Assault! The masked demon lord 01/09 22:03

2x03 My beloved Gash! I am Patty! 01/09 22:03

2x04 Gadem! The angry water dragon 01/09 22:03

2x05 Fight in the park! Gash vs Kiyomaro!? 01/09 22:03

2x06 Patty's counterattack!! When the assasins were released 01/09 22:03

2x07 Light of hope, Saifojo 01/09 22:03

2x08 Battle on the sand, Burago vs the three calm fighters 01/09 22:03

2x09 Defeat Lord! The determination of each one 01/09 22:03

2x10 Breaking into Deboro's ruins! Kyanchome's battle! 01/09 22:03

2x11 Attack and defense! The labyrinth of rapid currents 01/09 22:03

2x12 The tragic curse of a thousand years 01/09 22:03

2x13 V's sudden attack Berymelon!! 01/09 22:03

2x14 ブルァアア!!紳士怒りのチャーグル 01/09 22:03

2x15 猛攻ダルモス!砂上の決死戦 01/09 22:03

2x16 メルメルメ~!ウマゴン電光石火!! 01/09 22:03

2x17 守り抜け!約束の赤い魔本 01/09 22:03

2x18 The Splendid Majestic 12 01/09 22:03

2x19 暴走!?ティオの告白大作戦! 01/09 22:03

2x20 撃破せよ!邪悪なるゾフィスの野望 01/09 22:03

2x21 絶体絶命!!立ちふさがる四天王 01/09 22:03

2x22 愛すればこそ・・・うなれ哀しみの猛虎爆裂拳 01/09 22:03

2x23 Sing, sing! The terrifying Belgim E・O 01/09 22:03

2x24 Thank you my King, Micolo Ma Zegalga 01/09 22:03

2x25 閃光乱舞!孤高の戦士パムーン 01/09 22:03

2x26 打ち砕け!封印千年 屈辱の記憶 01/09 22:03

2x27 逃げ道なし!!卑劣なるゾフィス再臨 01/09 22:03

2x28 シェリー気高き輪 炸裂バベルガ・グラビドン 01/09 22:03

2x29 Cannot return anymore! REIRA's lonely darkness 01/09 22:03

2x30 うごめく悪魔 最後の四天王登場 01/09 22:03

2x31 The beast Demolt! Roars of terror 01/09 22:03

2x32 勝機を求めて…湧きあがれふたりの闘志 01/09 22:03

2x33 わがままパティ 惜別のスオウ・ギアルク!! 01/09 22:03

2x34 熱き思いよとどけ!第7の術ザグルゼム!! 01/09 22:03

2x35 凶獣デモルト最終決戦!! 01/09 22:03

2x36 Perplexed Sherie, the bond that cannot be severed 01/09 22:03

2x37 Zofisu's counterattack Friendship's last battle! 01/09 22:03

2x38 思いよココに届け! シェリー渾身のディオガグラビドン!! 01/09 22:03

2x39 Sherie, Burago A new departure 01/09 22:03

2x40 New Year Special The magnificent V appears again!! 01/09 22:03

2x41 I am back...And then a tempest test battle 01/09 22:03

2x42 The pursue of Naomi-chan!!! 01/09 22:03

2x43 我が心のキッド ナゾナゾ博士新たなる誓い 01/09 22:03

2x44 The voice from the strange world! The fate of the demons!! 01/09 22:03

2x45 The door of the strange world! Strongest duel, Gash vs Brago 01/09 22:03

2x46 Exile in the strange world! Attack from the army! 01/09 22:03

2x47 The duel in the strange world, when Brago's without Sherie 01/09 22:03

2x48 The leader of the strange world, vengeance of the fanged Maestro 01/09 22:03

2x49 The duel in the strange world, Gash and Brago's two great mysterious explosions 01/09 22:03

2x50 The love and youth of Mrs. Mommon, Kiyomaro's disastrous defeat 01/09 22:03

2x51 Flame on, Folgore! Bagpipe of love and sorrow 01/09 22:03

3x01 A New Menace: The Boy that Speaks to the Wind! 01/09 22:03

3x02 Moonlit Night's Disturbance. Fist of Friendship. Earth's One-Hit Certain Kill! 01/09 22:03

3x03 Ted's Blues. The Girl in the Wind. Fate's Reunion. 01/09 22:03

3x04 Her Rival is an Idol. A Spark of Love. Suzume's Victory?? 01/09 22:03

3x05 Q Attack! Q Ultimate Transformation? My name is Coral Q. 01/09 22:03

3x06 Put Into a Pinch. Q's Counterattack! The Suppression of Every Spell!? 01/09 22:03

3x07 Electric Chain! Ultimate Evolution!? Renewed Baou!! 01/09 22:03

3x08 Homesick!? Hana and Mother. Wanderlust Gash. 01/09 22:03

3x09 Duel in the Northern Country. Fated Rival. Umagon Frozen!! 01/09 22:03

3x10 Karudio's Fierce Attack! Fighters Who Burn Up the Snow Field. Umagon's New Flame. 01/09 22:03

3x11 Dance! Burst Open! Swing! Huge Airport. 01/09 22:03

3x12 Spin! Spin! Fall! Fall! Explosive Ice Skating!! 01/09 22:03

3x13 A Letter From a Friend. Burn the Book!! Rein's True Identity. 01/09 22:03

3x14 Weakling Kyle. Papipurio's Mustache. Rodeux's Trap. 01/09 22:03

3x15 Rodeux's Fierce Attack. Dying Rein. Awaken, Kyle. 01/09 22:03

3x16 Ultimate Spell Explosion! Garubadosu Aborodio. Rein's Dream. 01/09 22:03

3x17 Kung Fu of Passion. Wonlei's Tragedy. Last Chapter of a Love Song. 01/09 22:03

3x18 Kidnapped Gash! Trap Over the Sea. Sinking Dartagnan. 01/09 22:03

3x19 Tio's Spirit. The One And Only Partner. When Wounds Heal. 01/09 22:03

3x20 It was Seen? Oyoyo~ Prospering Momon. Tio's Gigantic Explosion! 01/09 22:03

3x21 Awaken, Jealousy. The Angered Goddess. Chaajiru Saifodon. 01/09 22:03

3x22 Legend of Kaguya. Gash's Summer Festival. Girl Who Returned to the Moon. 01/09 22:03

3x23 Roar of Pride. Bari vs. Ted. Which Will Dissapear? 01/09 22:03

3x24 Premonition of Separation. Suzume's Confession. Hiking of Love and Youth. 01/09 22:03

3x25 Heartless Riou. The Cursed Demons. Now, to Faudo. 01/09 22:03

3x26 Journey From Which You Cannot Return. Wavering Determination. Faudo's True Form! 01/09 22:03

3x27 Arrival at Faudo! Desperate Assault. Assassins That Awaited. 01/09 22:03

3x28 Keys, Buzarai. Symphony of Death. Goodbye, Kanchome. 01/09 22:03

3x29 Miraculous New Spell. Dima Buruku. I Am Not a Weakling! 01/09 22:03

3x30 Buzarai's Fierce Attack. Dioga VS Baou. Reversal chain. 01/09 22:03

3x31 Determination of the King. Friends? The World? Gash's Decision. 01/09 22:03

3x32 Test Within the Stomach. Break Through Difficult Questions. Tintin Chance. 01/09 22:03

3x33 Cool-Headed Zaruchimu. The Truth of the Curse. Stand Up! Alishie. 01/09 22:03

3x34 Fighting For Whom? Wonrei and Alishie. Decision of Suffering. 01/09 22:03

3x35 Faudo: Deadly Zone. The Demon That Beats the Heart. Momon's Tears. 01/09 22:03

3x36 Faudo's Revival Draws Near. Return Device Activated. Rivals Stand in the Way. 01/09 22:03

3x37 The Curse's Time Limit. Crush the Seal! Reach, Gash's Feelings. 01/09 22:03

3x38 Demonic soldier Faudo. Light in the middle of despair. Kiyomaro's secret plan. 01/09 22:03

3x39 Aim for the brain! Roaring Faudo. Desperate re-entry. 01/09 22:03

3x40 Those who won't become King. Do or die! Wonrei. Final fist. 01/09 22:03

3x41 Burning Umagon. Freezing Karudio. Run to Victory!! 01/09 22:03

3x42 Sealed Room. Alishie's Fight. Destiny Once More 01/09 22:03

3x43 Burn Up Life. Warrior Alishie. The Conclusion! Zaruchimu 01/09 22:03

3x44 We Are Kings. Kyanchome and Momon. Defeat Keith! 01/09 22:03

3x45 Screams That Won't Reach. Ted vs. Cherish. Things More Important Than King 01/09 22:03

3x46 Faudo's Safeguards. From Arth to Gash. Trusted Future 01/09 22:03

3x47 Reversed Future. Thunder Emperor Zeon. Prelude to Ruin 01/09 22:03

3x48 Raging Zeon! Two Fates. Gash's Secret 01/09 22:03

3x49 The Inheritor of Baou. Gash vs. Zeon. Jigadirasu's Thunder 01/09 22:03

3x50 Decisive Battle Against Faudo! The Golden Radiance. The Kind King 01/09 22:03

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