avatar V3rtige


A propos

O vanity of Sleep, Hope, Dream, endless Desire, the Horses of Disaster plunge in the heavy clay:rnBeloved, let your eyes half close, and your heart beat over my heart, and your hair fall over my breast, drowning love's lonely hour in deep twilight of rest, and hiding their tossing manes and their tumultuous feet...

13 amis

# PseudoEn coursEn pauseFinisJouésWishésPossédésTemps passé
1 Trone55 13115143262 mois 18 jours 4 heures
2 V3rtige 3415392984 mois 2 jours 15 heures
3 dyzdu13 00580085 mois 25 jours 2 heures
4 dylan83 101860201 mois 16 jours 18 heures
5 Elena.Gilbert 550164521179 jours 8 heures 00 min
6 Selvagem 0031426 heures 00 min
7 Oppy 008150117 heures 00 min
8 oaristys 1301004622 jours 19 heures 00 min
9 Orore 1097651105 jours 20 heures 00 min
10 flo757 0010018 jours 8 heures 00 min
11 elrika 160100121 jour 7 heures 30 min