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Samedi 15 juillet 2023

The Outpost

1x01 La survivante (One is the Loneliest Number) 15/07 14:29

1x02 Peine capitale (Two Heads are Better Than None) 15/07 14:29

1x03 Rivalités (The Mistress and the Worm) 15/07 14:29

1x04 Liaisons dangereuses (Strange Bedfellows) 15/07 14:29

1x05 Les vestiges du passé (Bones to Pick) 15/07 14:29

1x06 Le Livre des Noms (The Book of Names) 15/07 14:29

1x07 Loyauté vacillante (The Colipsum Conundrum) 15/07 14:29

1x08 Bienvenue chez les Greyskins (Beyond the Wall) 15/07 14:29

1x09 La quête du livre (The Vex Rezicon) 15/07 14:29

1x10 L'assaut final (The Dragman is Coming) 15/07 14:29

2x01 On ne tue que pour survivre (We Only Kill to Survive) 15/07 14:29

2x02 Une ville des plus étranges (This Is One Strange Town) 15/07 14:29

2x03 Un lac couleur saphir (Not In My Kingdom) 15/07 14:29

2x04 L'implacable vérité (Regarding the Matter of Garret Spears) 15/07 14:29

2x05 La lame des trois (The Blade of the Three) 15/07 14:29

2x06 Pour le bonheur de la reine (Because She's Worth It) 15/07 14:29

2x07 Tout le monde meurt autour de toi (Where You Go, People Die) 15/07 14:29

2x08 Une couronne pour la reine (A Crown for the Queen) 15/07 14:29

2x09 Pourparlers (There Will Be a Reckoning) 15/07 14:29

2x10 C'était le seul moyen (The Only Way) 15/07 14:29

2x11 Un vrai coup de génie (Nothing Short of Heroic) 15/07 14:29

2x12 A jamais gravé dans ma mémoire (In the Worst Corner of My Memory) 15/07 14:29

2x13 Dorénavant, cet avant-poste est à nous (This Is Our Outpost) 15/07 14:29

3x01 For the Sins of Your Ancestors 15/07 14:29

3x02 The Peace You Promised 15/07 14:29

3x03 A Life for a Life 15/07 14:29

3x04 The Key to Paradise 15/07 14:29

3x05 Under Yavalla's Control 15/07 14:29

3x06 Kill the Rat, Kill the Kinj 15/07 14:29

3x07 Go Ahead and Run 15/07 14:29

3x08 Dying Is Painful 15/07 14:29

3x09 She Is Not a God 15/07 14:29

3x10 From Paradise to Hell and Back 15/07 14:29

3x11 The Hardest Part of Being Queen 15/07 14:29

3x12 Where Death Lives 15/07 14:29

3x13 Violence is Futile 15/07 14:29

4x01 Someone Has to Rule 15/07 14:29

4x02 A Throne of Our Own 15/07 14:29

4x03 The Gods Thank You 15/07 14:29

4x04 Going to Meet the Gods 15/07 14:29

4x05 They Bleed Black Blood 15/07 14:29

4x06 All We Do is Say Goodbye 15/07 14:29

4x07 The Power of the Masters 15/07 14:29

4x08 The Pleasing Voice of the Masters 15/07 14:29

4x09 The Price of Immortality 15/07 14:29

4x10 Something to Live For 15/07 14:29

4x11 Guardian of the Asterkinj 15/07 14:29

4x12 The Betrayer 15/07 14:29

4x13 Nothing Lasts Forever 15/07 14:29

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