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Samedi 9 mars 2024

Mashle: Magic and Muscles (Mashle)

1x07 Mash Burnedead et le marionnettiste (Mash Burnedead and the Puppet Master) 09/03 06:54

1x08 Mash Burnedead et les loups magiciens (Mash Burnedead and the Wolves of Magic) 09/03 06:54

1x09 Mash Burnedead et le sorcier au sort d'accélération (Mash Burnedead and the Accelerated Battle) 09/03 06:54

1x10 Mash Burnedead et l'élu divin (Mash Burndead and the Divine Visionary) 09/03 06:54

1x11 Mash Burnedead et la loi du plus fort (Mash Burndead and the Survival of the Fittest) 09/03 06:54

1x12 Mash Burnedead et le miroir magique (Mash Burndead and the Magic Mirror) 09/03 06:54

2x01 Mash Burnedead et les élus divins (Mash Burnedead and the Divine Visionaries) 09/03 06:54

2x02 Mash Burnedead et le retour au bercail (Mash Burnedead and the Home Visit) 09/03 17:04

2x03 Rayne Ames et les dons divins (Rayne Ames and God's Gift) 09/03 17:04

2x04 Mash Burnedead et le ballon increvable (Mash Burnedead and the Brawny Balloon) 09/03 17:04

2x05 Finn Ames et l’importance de l’amitié (Finn Ames and the Friend) 09/03 17:04

2x06 Mash Burnedead et la partie de « Regarder n’est pas jouer » (Mash Burnedead and You Look, You Lose Your Life) 09/03 17:04

2x07 Mash Burnedead et le sorcier virtuose (Mash Burnedeae and the Magical Maestro) 09/03 18:44

2x08 Mash Burnedead et la tour infernale (Mash Burnedead and The Tall Tower) 09/03 19:07

2x09 Wahlberg Baïgan et la magie des ténèbres (Wahlberg Baigan and the Magic of Darkness) 09/03 19:49

Remonter le temps

Ships who ruin my life~

  • Villaneve (Killing Eve)

  • Rizzle (Rizzoli & Isles)

  • Supercat (Supergirl)

  • Hollstein (Carmilla)

  • Catradora (She-ra)

  • Mayla (Skam France)

  • Clexa (The 100)

  • Wayhaught (Wynnona Earp)

  • Bechloe (Pitch Perfect)

  • Elu (Skam France)

Ships who ruin my life 2~

  • Charah (Chuck)

  • Leslie and Ben (Parks and Recreation)

  • Peraltiago (Brooklyn Nine Nine)

  • Deckerstar (Lucifer)

Gangs and Families I love~

  • Community

  • One Day At A Time

  • How I Met Your Mother

  • Derry Girls

  • My Mad Fat Diary

  • Frozen

  • Friends