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Jeudi 21 novembre 2019

Les Frères Scott (One Tree Hill)

2x01 Machine arrière (The Desperate Kingdom of Love) 21/11 14:23

2x02 Si tout recommençait... (The Truth Doesn't Make a Noise) 21/11 14:23

2x03 Que la fête commence (Near Wild Heaven) 21/11 14:23

2x04 Si près, si proches (You Can't Always Get What You Want) 21/11 14:23

2x05 Soirée défis (I Will Dare) 21/11 14:23

2x06 Le charme de l'inconnu (We Might As Well Be Strangers) 21/11 14:23

2x07 Perte de contrôle (Let the Reigns Go Loose) 21/11 14:23

2x08 Chacun sa vérité (Truth, Bitter Truth) 21/11 14:23

2x09 La plus belle pour aller danser (The Trick Is to Keep Breathing) 21/11 14:23

2x10 Quand les gens parlent (Don't Take Me for Granted) 21/11 14:23

2x11 Le passé ressurgit (The Heart Brings You Back) 21/11 14:23

2x12 Envers et contre tous (Between Order and Randomness) 21/11 14:23

2x13 Chamboulements (The Hero Dies in This One) 21/11 14:23

2x14 Dur d'être seul (Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows) 21/11 14:23

2x15 La boîte à souvenirs (Unopened Letters to the World) 21/11 14:23

2x16 Le jour J (Somewhere a Clock Is Ticking) 21/11 14:23

2x17 Règlements de compte (Something I Can Never Have) 21/11 14:23

2x18 Face à face (The Lonesome Road) 21/11 14:23

2x19 À pleine vitesse (I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning) 21/11 14:23

2x20 L'autre rive (Lifetime Piling Up) 21/11 14:23

2x21 Renouer les liens (What Could Have Been) 21/11 14:23

2x22 Un grand vide (The Tide That Left and Never Came Back (1)) 21/11 14:23

2x23 Un être s'éloigne, un autre arrive (The Leavers Dance (2)) 21/11 14:23

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