Your Fat Friend

Un documentaire de Jeanie Finlay


1ère sortie festival

15 juin 2023
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Aubrey Gordon, writes anonymously as "Your Fat Friend" about what it means to be a very fat woman in the world. Her searingly honest writing describes in intimate, humorous and unflinching detail what it’s like to be that fat person on the plane... and how the fantasies, peddled by a diet and wellness industry worth $26 billion a year, are on a par with the lies that Big Tobacco told the public in the 1950s. (95-98% of diets fail for lasting weight loss)…and about her own fractured relationship to her body.
This isn’t about “body positivity” co-opted by brands to sell fat-kinis to size 16 women; it’s about fat justice and liberation with no limits. It has brought her an insatiable worldwide audience, a book deal and threats to her life.
Filmed over 6 years, we follow Aubrey’s rise from anonymous blogger to best selling author, co-host of one of the biggest podcasts in the world and public figure.
YOUR FAT FRIEND charts how it feels to live in a very fat body, and the pain and triumph of trying to change your family... and a world where you just don’t fit.

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