Events Transpiring Before, During, and After a High School Basketball Game

Un film de Ted Stenson
Ecrit par Ted Stenson
Avec Canada Andrew Phung, Canada Reamonn Joshee et Royaume-Uni Canada Catherine Gell


Date de sortie

24 septembre 2020
Plus d'infos


As Middleview High School's woeful boys basketball team prepares for another certain loss, several unusual dramas take shape around its periphery. Ken, a cantankerous referee, finds himself charged with minding his soon-to-be ex-wife's pomeranian; Brent Davidson, the Middleview Ducks' obnoxious assistant coach, lobbies to install a complex offensive system; third-string point guard Joel attempts to explain existentialism to his teammates; and a group of theatre students plan a confrontational protest after their "post-colonial" King Lear is banned by the administration. (Source : Imdb)

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